
State Sweetheart
Abby Sullivan

Sweetheart Coordinator
Kim M. May
Sweetheart Overview
The Sweetheart Program is a way for young ladies to get involved with DeMolay and its activities, programs, and events. The Sweetheart is a young lady, chosen by the members of a Chapter, to represent the DeMolay ideals of womanhood. She should be a friend to every member and support them in their endeavors. In turn, the Chapter will support their Sweetheart in every way possible. The year as Chapter Sweetheart is very memorable and rewarding. The Sweetheart will make many new friends from all across the state of Georgia and will make memories that will last a lifetime.
Role of the Sweetheart
The Sweetheart, be she Chapter or State, should exemplify the highest DeMolay ideal of womanhood. She will learn a great deal and meet many fascinating young men, as well as make lasting friendships. She is under constant observation, and must always conduct herself in a ladylike manner. She is neat, well groomed, and sincerely dedicated to the Order of DeMolay. Her aim should be to boost morale by adding beauty, charm, and excitement to all functions which she attends. She should go out of her way to pay attention to each DeMolay member, to be friendly to all, and not forget the younger members who may be a bit reluctant to receive attention.
The Chapter or State Sweetheart may not be a member of the Chapter or State Parents' Club and may not hold office. No matter what her role may be, she must remember that her warm smile and friendly face are important to the promotion of her Chapter. Practice good manners. Remember to be considerate of other's feelings, their safety, their privacy, and their full social rights and priviledges. The Sweetheart does not have the priviledge of seeing or taking part in the ceremonies of the Order, and should not even appear to listen near the lodge room door. She may attend that portion of the meeting when the Chapter is "at ease", but must never be in the meeting when the Chapter is in closed session.
The above is given to the Sweetheart that she may understand the proper times she may be permitted into the Chapter room. But it is the responsibility of the Chapter to invite her in at the proper times. A Sweetheart should learn about the guys in her Chapter. She should take time to give encouragement and support when they need it. She must remember she has embarked on one of the most precious years of her life. She should handle it well, wisely, and with love. For this one year, DeMolay activities should be considered TOP PRIORITY. If she will keep these things in mind and remember to follow them closely, she will have a very successful term and a very appreciative Chapter.
Should a Sweetheart (at any level) become engaged or married during her term of office, she has immediately vacated her position and relinquishes her crown and banner.Sweetheart Qualifications
A Sweetheart...
...must be at least fifteen (15) years of age when chosen Chapter Sweetheart.
...must have turned sixteen (16) at the time of Conclave opening, but has not reached her twenty-first (21) birthday in order to compete for State Sweetheart.
...does not have to be a member of the Order of Rainbow for Girls or Job's Daughters.
...must be from the neighboring or home town of the Chapter.
...must have the permission of her parents of guardians to serve.
...must maintain a "C" average in school during her term.
...must be willing and able to travel with her Chapter and an adult Chaperone.
...must complete the DeMolay Leadership Correspondence Course during her term as Chapter Sweetheart. (Sections 1, 2, and 3)
...must remain unmarried during her entire term. If she becomes engaged or marries, the runner-up shall succeed.
If she leaves the state with the intention of a 90 day absence or more, she must resign her office, either Chapter or State. In that event, the runner-up will be declared Sweetheart and will receive the designation of her position.
A Past State Sweetheart shall not be eligible to run again, on the local or State level.
Chapter Sweethearts may be re-elected if a Chapter so desires and run for State Sweetheart.
Each Chapter Sweetheart MUST be accompanied by her Chaperone to all functions and Conclave. The Chaperone must be a female over 25 years of age.
Registration expenses of a Chapter Sweetheart for Conclave and other functions sponsored by the Associated DeMolay Chapters of Georgia will be their own responsibility. A Chapter, however, may pay these expenses if so voted by the membership and approved by the Advisory Council.
The "Road" to being a Successful Sweetheart
SMILE- Everyone likes to see a smile.
BE YOURSELF- You were elected because they wanted YOU, not someone else.
GET TO KNOW YOUR CHAPTER- You were elected by them; let them know you care.
SPEAK- They know you can talk! Say something! Train yourself to speak (without shouting) so you can be heard.
ASK QUESTIONS- If you don't know something, or are in doubt, please ask!
LISTEN- Sometimes you are needed to just be a sympathetic ear. Encourage them to talk to you...show that you care.
VOLUNTEER- There is always something you can do; ask!
ATTEND WORKSHOPS- You can always learn new things.
GET TO KNOW THE ADVISORS- They can help you a lot.
SEND CARDS- Send cards to your Chapter on holidays and special occasions.
HELP- Help with your Chapter's projects, dinners, publications, etc.
TAKE THE LEADERSHIP CORRESPONDENCE COURSE- The LCC must be completed by all Chapter Sweethearts before they can run for State Sweetheart. Besides, it will make your term easier as you learn more about DeMolay's purposes and operation - and the sooner you do it, the earlier you will have this help. Please complete Sections 1 & 2. Section 3 is optional and encouraged.