Georgia DeMolay History

Past International Officers & Representatives

The content on this page was compiled from information available in the Georgia DeMolay office and from input from knowledgeable individuals. If you have information that could add to the completeness and accuracy of this content, please contact us.

Past Executive Officers

In the early years of DeMolay, what is now known as the Executive Officer was called a Deputy in Georgia for the Grand Council.

Mark D. Griffis
2022 - present

Nathan L. "Skip" Mason
2019 - 2022

Marc B. Bohn
2001 - 2019

William R. Carver, Jr.
1993 - 2001

Andre E. Lovas
1981 - 1993

Norman W. Pettys
1958 - 1981

Henry L. Brown
1936 - 1958

Howard Geldert
unknown - 1936

Forress B. Fisher

Forrest Adair

Past International Officers

Marc B. Bohn
Grand Master
DeMolay International
6/2020 - 6/2021

James C. Hawkins
48th International
Master Councilor
6/2014 - 6/2015

Michael Benedetti
44th International
Master Councilor
6/2010 - 6/2011

Richard W. Eells II
42nd International
Master Councilor
6/2008 - 6/2009

Christopher G. Eells
38th International
Master Councilor
6/2004 - 6/2005

Adam E. Roof
34th International
Congress Secretary
11/2000 - 6/2001

Past Region III Officers

T. G. "Hunter" Sullivan
Region III Cabinet Member
6/2011 - 6/2012

Marc B. Bohn
Region III BOD Member
6/2010 - 6/2018

Christopher Benedetti
Region III Cabinet Member
6/2009 - 6/2010

Todd A. Stovall
Region III Cabinet Member
6/2008 - 6/2009

William R. Carver, Jr.
Region III Representative
9/2002 - 9/2004

Justin R. Nobles
Region III Coordinator
9/2002 - 9/2003

Adam E. Roof
Region III Coordinator
9/1999 - 9/2000